685 Neighbors
active builder #001; onchain cities w/ OAK & city1
Building /right-moments - minting onchain art IRL | /surge #15 | F10 120 #megahertz
Onchain is the new online - FID 206 • cooprecords.xyz
icebreaker.xyz/Oxen | https://gallery.so/Oxen/galleries | https://optimism.io/collection/facets
Exploring what's next
building /katlin, advising /danker and /lercon | grin.io
FID 28 @ Coinide + co-founder & rectangle invest at /codebreaker + icbk.me/j4ck.ic + /navigator + DJ Stark
#71 Co-founder @survey | @ponder | Ex FTF | colinjohnston.io
@effect | playing around onchain @offmarket @per1 | vc w/rm rmps | fid #539 | resuming @thesocdb work we hit pmf @
Noun 730 | based & optimistic Ethereum Znjoyoor | founder: zeroright.media and the /yellow collective